Stress is one of those things that comes around whether you want it to or not. No matter what we do for a living, it seems like the feeling of being overwhelmed can find us. For me, it happens more often than I’d like, and I hear it from my clients as a major complaint all the time. I always hope to manage stress as best I can, but it has this way of affecting our bodies in a variety of ways. On the short term, it can certainly change your behavior, making you short or irritable. Long-term stress is even more dangerous because it can contribute to physical health problems, too, like tension headaches, digestive woes, and a weakened immune system.  The stress hormone—cortisol—can even cause weight gain or make it significantly more difficult to lose weight. Learning a few simple stress management techniques can help reduce your stress levels and lead you towards a happier, healthier you.

When we look at stress management, most of the methods that work tend to involve time and money. Getting a massage is a great way to relax your body, but it’s not always in the budget. And taking a yoga class or learning a few moves and poses so you can practice yoga at home is a great way to step back and relax. Unfortunately, life can be too busy to find time to practice. Even five or ten minutes might seem out of the realm of possibility, and trying to make it happen might stress you out even more!

So, what can you do? I’ve identified three simple things that have really helped me calm down, refocus my energies, and settle my stressed mind.

A Three-Step At-Home Stress Management Technique

Start by just breathing

First, I start by sitting in a sacred space in my home. If you don’t have one yet, now is the perfect time to create your own! It can be as elaborate or simple as you like; seek out a quiet room or even just lay down on your bed. If being outside in nature soothes you, find a quiet space outside instead. Then, take a few moments to just breathe. Listen to the sound of your breath as you inhale on a count of one…two…three. Then, exhale: one…two…three. Do this for at least ten cycles. You’ll find your body settling down as you release yourself to the sound and rhythm of your own breath.

Sit in the quiet for a few moments

Once you’ve taken a moment to breathe—really breathe—try to sit in the quiet for a few moments. I know, this is so hard to do, especially for those of us with active minds! But let your breath come back to its natural rhythm and give yourself over to this moment. Even if it’s brief, it’s true relaxation. Letting yourself go and being in the moment gives you permission to relax, even when there are a million things to do. It can be as long as ten minutes or a short as a single minute, but try to give it enough time for your mind to accept that a life without stress really is possible.

Write down anything overwhelming that comes back at you

Finally, thank yourself for this moment of peace in a busy world. You can burn some sage to clear the space or sweetgrass to bring in the blessings of love and a calm mind. Slowly, get up and return to your day.

If you find that your mind is still racing, and the feelings of overwhelming stress come rushing back at you, try writing those thoughts down. Pick up a notebook or use the notes app on your phone. If you can get the stressful thoughts you out of your mind and down onto paper, you may find they lose their overwhelming power over you. They no longer control the narrative, and it’s up to you to cross them off your list, one by one.

It’s also possible that your stress stems from caffeine. I know mine did! It’s amazing how much better I feel now that I’ve given up coffee (more on that in this post about the health benefits of green tea). We also have essential oils from Young Living for relieving stress and can create a custom herbal tincture to help you relax your body and your mind.

What stress management techniques work for you? We’d love to hear from you! And don’t forget to connect with us on Facebook and Instagram.

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