Cure Negative Emotions Now

The original Bach Flower Remedies is a safe and natural method of healing discovered by Dr.
Bach from 1920 – 1930’s in England. They gently restore the balance between mind and body by casting out negative emotions such as fear, worry, hatred and indecision which interfere with the equilibrium of the being as a whole. The Bach Flower Remedies allow peace and happiness to return to the sufferer so that the body is free to heal itself.
The Bach Flower Remedies are made from wild flowers and are safe for the whole family including pets.

I use Bach Flower Remedies for clients suffering from negative emotional holding patterns that create a block from optimal health. The Bach Flower Remedies remove negative emotions by flooding them with positive energies of the flowers. Negative emotions ranging from Hopelessness, fear, worry, sadness, emotional eating, troubles sleeping, stress and many more can be helped with a custom Bach Flower Formula. Through a simple questionnaire we can formulate a remedy specific to help cure those negative emotions. When we free our mind and body from these negative emotions we can move forward towards a more positive healthy life. How we feel emotional does effect the physical body. So.. if you want to feel good you have to think good. Let go of the past and create a positive self image and future. You are in control of how you feel and your health. I can help you take back your health and your life.

1hour Bach Flower Remedy Consultations $80.00
These Consultations can be in person at my wellness studio in Durango Colorado, via FaceTime or Phone Consultation

4oz Bach Flower Remedy Custom Specific to Cure your negative Emotions
$25.00 plus Shipping

Cure Negative Emotions Now

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