

Massage is a wonderful addition to your vacation and every day life. Massage is not just a luxury treatment…its a therapeutic treatment to help relieve muscular tension, body pain, and improve overall better health.

Herbal Tinctures & Teas

What is herbal tincture?? Its the strongest concentrate of plant extract. Tinctures are made from the medicinal part of a plant (flowers, leaves, roots, berries) and steep in menstrum (water/pharmaceutical grade organic (non GMO alcohol).

Private Yoga

Heal and recover with a Yoga practice customized to your individual needs
-All Ages and Health Restrictions Welcome-
Specializing in Therapeutic Yoga


Reiki is an ancient and profoundly simple system of “laying on of hands” healing technique that derived from Tibetan Buddhism. A Reiki Healer is one who has received a series of attunements which aligns them with ‘Universal Light’.


Aromatherapy, also referred to as Essential Oil Therapy, are aromatic concentrated plant extracts that are carefully obtained through steam distillation, cold pressing, or resin tapping.

Bach Flower Essence

The Bach Flower Remedies is a system of 38 flower RemediesDiscovered by Dr. Edward Bach. The Bach Flower Remedies remove negative emotions by flooding them with positive energies of the flowers.